If you thought ticks were bad last year in 2021 check out the latest Hartford Courant article regarding the tick population in Connecticut for 2022. Ticks are already high in numbers, and experts say multiple factors are helping their numbers grow. New species are moving into Connecticut, including the Asian Longhorn tick. Nearly half of all ticks in the state have at least one disease, and some ticks are found with multiple diseases. For people in many parts of the U.S., dealing with ticks is a regular part of life. And as ticks expand their reach across the country even more, residents will have to think about how to better stay safe from tick borne diseases. Traditionally the peak tick runs from spring into the fall in Connecticut. Be sure to take the proper precautions and treat your property this summer into fall. Ask about Safeside Treatments LLC all organic and environmentally friendly tick & mosquito control. We treat the entire property with cedar oil applications which are completely safe and non-toxic. Contact us today for a FREE Estimate.
Call or Text us at 860-477-4189 or Email us at Safesidetreatments@gmail.com
Chech out Hartford Courants lates news article about the 2022 Connecticut tick population below