What is an Asian Tiger Mosquito?

Asian tiger mosquitoes, also known as forest mosquitoes, are an exotic species that get their "tiger" name from the single white stripe down the center of their head and back. Originally from Southeast Asia, this daytime-biting insect can transmit harmful diseases like Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya and dengue fever. Read on to learn more Asian tiger mosquito facts and prevention.

This type of mosquito has been spotted this year in the mid west and is possibly making its way east towards New England. Its been spotted in Michigan where scientists, entomologist and biologists have been desperately trying to track their movement. If you have seen it please immediately report it to our local DEEP Department of Energy Environmental Protection. You can also report it on social media at #AppMosquitoAlert or simply go to ct.gov/mosquito for more info on reporting this invasive species. Below is a picture and distinctive description on its appearance.

CONTACT US ANYTIME: CALL OR TEXT 860-477-4189 or Email us at Safesidetreatments@gmail.com if you do happen to see this mosquito. If you have been having issues on your property with gnats, biting flies or mosquitoes consider treating your property.
