Ticks Do Not Die in the Winter

Did you know that it is a big misconception that ticks die off in the winter. They DO NOT die in the winter here in Connecticut and across the nation. Most go dormant or latch onto a host such as a deer, moose or any other warm blooded animal. Ticks either find shelter in leaf litters, wood piles and some burrow underground. They can remain active during the cooler months. Blacklegged ticks which carry Lyme Disease remain active as long as temperatures are above freezing. Its important to know that they are a threat year round.


Winter Season & Holidays 2019

Its officially winter for us. As of Thanksgiving Day 2019 we will not be doing anymore services until spring of 2020 when the snow melts and the weather is warmer. Our office will still be open so you may contact us if you have any questions, concerns or would like to sign up for spring treatments in 2020. We will be here throughout the winter for all our clients as well as any new ones. Keep up with new updates, content and our winter activities by following us on social media @safesidetreatments . Until then enjoy the winter season and we wish all of you Happy Holidays from all of us at Safeside Treatments LLC.

Copy of 3 People Died in CT from EEE & Detected in 19 Towns

There has been two confirmed deaths linked to Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Connecticut. This is why it is very important to treat your properties for mosquitoes regularly. EEE is a big health risk in Connecticut. Specially for the elderly and young children. If you can please treat your property and take the proper precautions. Read the news article at the link below to find out more.

Click Link Below to see WFSB.com News Channel 3 Connecticut Articles:



The maps below represent the areas with West Nile and EEE activity in CT. From CT DEEP


Lower Temps Needed in CT for EEE Threat to Subside

The low temperatures Friday night into Saturday possibly killed off mosquitoes in the Litchfield area. The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station said it will have a better idea when it collects data there later this week. It said EEE-carrying mosquitoes generally have a flight range of 2.5 to 5.5 miles. As of earlier this week, mosquitoes in the following towns tested positive for EEE: Bethany, Chester, East Lyme, Groton, Haddam, Hampton, Killingworth, Ledyard, Lyme, Madison, Middlefield, North Stonington, Old Lyme, Plainfield, Shelton, South Windsor, Stamford, Stonington, Voluntown, Waterford Even if people do not live near one of the 20 towns identified, the CAES continued to urge them to be cautious. The state saw unusually high activity for the rare mosquito-borne virus this year.

Check out WFSB.com / WFSB News Channel 3 Connecticut full article on the latest EEE news.

Chick the link below for full article


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Desirable Insects

Our treatments will not harm bees, butterflies and other desirable insects. We understand that the environment needs these insects. Plants and flowers rely on them to pollinate so we always make sure we do not harm them. We personally tested our treatments and work closely with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection along with a local CT bee keeper to ensure these insects are safe.


Outdoor Venues

Its summer, are you having an outdoor wedding or a party? Let us come take care of the annoying mosquitoes and biting flies. We can come out and treat the venue a few days before the big event. Contact us today for a FREE Estimate.

Let us treat your backyard before a party. Do not invite ticks and mosquitoes to your event.

Let us treat your backyard before a party. Do not invite ticks and mosquitoes to your event.

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